Tuesday 10 June 2014

E3 2014: DOOM Revealed and getting gameplay at Quakecon this summer.

By Sam Coles:
So the long awaited Doom 4 or DOOM as it's titled as now has finally emerged in the way of a teaser trailer featuring your favourite monster to shoot the cyber demo.
Not much was shown in the way of gameplay but there will be gameplay shown at this year’s Quakecon in Texas.
DOOM has been a long time waiting, production was started originally in 2008 and the Doom 3 BFG Edition was a reminder that they’re still working on it. The last game we saw in the series was Doom 3 and that was ten years ago. What we can tell the same team that worked on Wolfenstein the new order is working on the game, but that is not a hundred percent sure.
Are you looking forward to a new Doom? Let me know in the comments or tweet @samcoles2 #Bristoliangamer.

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