Monday 21 July 2014

Yogscast's Yogventures Cancelled!

By Sam Coles:
The incredibly popular Youtube channel Yogscast have hit a bit of a predicament in the form of a brick wall. It was announced that the game they were working on titled “Yogsventures” has been cancelled due to the overwhelming nature according to the developers who were working on it. In case you don’t know what Yogventures was an open world sandbox game which would of featured members of the Yogscast such as Simon and Lewis, it was similar to Minecraft.
Yogscast started this on kickstarted asking for a goal of $250,000 and they exceeded that goal and almost hit $600k. They out sourced the development to an American developer Winter Cool Games, which only consisted of six people and that included the guy managing it. According the person managing the project he said on the Yogscast forums “He had a lack of experience managing a project of a large scope”. He also stated that he nearly lost his job and lost his wife in the process of the project.
The big question out of this is what happened to the half a million dollars that was given to them by their loyal fan base? Who knows, but what we do know is that Yogventures is not seeing the light of day and the backers for the project aren’t receiving refunds. According to Yogscast they’re not obligated to do anything about the situation.  

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