Tuesday 9 September 2014

Alien: Isolation goes gold, new trailer series begins

By Sam Coles:
Creative Assembly have announced today that Alien Isolation has gone gold and is ready for manufacture for discs and will be hitting stores on October 7th of this year. In celebration of this Sega will be making videos leading up to the upcoming horror game.
#HOWWILLYOUSURVIVE?  Are a series of videos that will be a series of trailers show casing gameplay and many unique ways that you’ll be able to escape and outsmart the Alien creature that will be stalking you throughout the game.
After the complete disaster that was Aliens Colonial Marines back in 2013 from Gearbox Software a lot of Aliens fans were all thinking that there could not be a true Alien game. But this game looks promising because it is based on the 1979 film which was a pure claustrophobic horror film with only one Alien, so it should be good fingers crossed.
Alien Isolation releases worldwide on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC on October 7th.

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