Tuesday 16 February 2016

Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo Review.

By Sam Coles:

As you know I’m not a huge racing game fan, but I’ve been warming up to the genre recently with reviews and there is something satisfying about nailing the perfect turn in a car. Sebastien Loeb Evo Rally is another racing game that I love because it really tests your reflexes with the speed and the terrain, which keeps you on your toes.

The first thing you must do in this game is set up your rally team including inserting your own name if you want, as well as putting in what country and car number you want. After that you have to pick what car you want to use before getting into the events, you can test each car out on the test track which I would highly recommend. The reason why I would recommend testing the cars out first in this game is because the car physics take a few tries to get use to because it is a simulation with the handling of the car, you can’t drive like an idiot in this game. Another aspect I would highly recommend with this game in terms of gameplay is switching to the cockpit view, the reason I recommend this is that you have a better field of view of what’s coming and you have a better feel for the car physics.

You’ll have access to different types of cars from newer kit cars to the more vintage variety from the 1970’s, there are a fair few to choose from but it does come at a cost of course. You gain credits through winning events and where you can save up and buy more cars, this can be a slow process as you do find yourself repeating races as you get use to the controls, so don’t worry if you don’t come in first every time.

The main thing you have to take into consideration when driving are the pacing notes they are very important. Before you reach corners your navigator will say what is ahead, numbers will signify how tight the corners are, so if he says six plus that generally means you can accelerate straight through (mostly), the lower the number the tighter the turn. If you don’t understand the pacing notes there is a tutorial to guide you through it. Once you get use to the pace notes you fall into a trance where you can almost do single stages blind folded because you get into a rhythm as you nail that corner in a snow covered forest.

The environmental graphics looks good for the most part there are few drab looking areas here and there. The best looking areas are the ones that utilise the weather effects like the snowy forests of Sweden to the torrential rain of Northern Wales. The places that look a bit plain and washed out are the standard green areas with Pine Forests and meadows there isn’t enough detail of the flora in those areas to make it stand out. The car models on the overhand are an absolute joy to look at they have shown love to all the different cars you can choose from with a real attention to detail. From the reflection of light to detailed interior as you’re in the cockpit view.

The only Negatives that I really have with this game is that it can get a tad repetitive due to the fact you’re playing the same sort of events over and over, however I would say that this is the perfect game to play in short bursts as events can take 5 minutes at a time. The other negative with this game are the load times, they can be really bad especially when they’re loading events with multiple cars on one circuit.

Overall Sebastien Loeb is a fantastic game and is a game that I wouldn’t have contemplated of playing in the past, so if you’re looking for a decent rally game on your Xbox One, PS4 or PC I would highly recommend it. 

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