Wednesday 6 April 2016

Blues and Bullets – Review on the first episode – A Noir Detective Game

By Kim Arnold

Twitter: @wildestdreams93

Blues and Bullets is a crime thriller developed by A Crowd of Monsters. There will be 5 episodes in total with Episode 1 and 2 available to play now on PC.
The player plays Eliot Ness a retired cop in which runs his own diner called “Blues and Bullets”. With turn of events of children going missing and the police ignoring the situation, Eliot Ness decides to take matters into his own hands through a gruesome crime scene in this first episode.

Blues and Bullets is set in a black and white noir style with the occasional hint of red in places that stands out, in which reminds me very much of the film Sin City. The game itself looks graphically stunning and has a great atmosphere  throughout the episode but is let down slightly by some poor animation. Saying that, the game grabbed my attention from the moment I started playing it, and I didn’t stop playing it until I finished the episode.
In terms of gameplay you play Eliot in a Third Person perspective, and during the episode you will be given the opportunity to make decisions throughout to influence the story for the later episodes (I believe ).  There are also some Quick time events in the game and a Rail shooter in which you cover, aim and shoot the bad guys which I felt was a nice touch to the game.  I should also mention this game has a really great soundtrack.

As you progress through this story – oriented dark game you will be looking to pick up clues for your investigation and will need to piece together your findings which concludes the story a bit more and leaves you in suspense.
I purchased the first episode on PC for £3.99 to see what it was like and I have to admit, I really loved it and finished it within a couple of hours. So if you are still unsure on the game, just buying the first episode should give you a good taster of what is in store for the full series. It has certainly left me wanting the rest of the episodes, and now the waiting begins.

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