Friday 20 April 2018

DMC: Devil May Cry Review - An underappreciated reboot

By Sam Coles:

There are certain reactions I don’t understand from online communities as it can resemble a child in a supermarket who has been refused Haribo from their mother. DMC: Devil May Cry is a game that a lot of people don’t like and the only reason why, is that Ninja Theory had the audacity of changing the look of Dante. Instead of Dante sporting long white locks he has short black hair, let’s be honest guys Dante was never a likable character he has always had a cocky and irritating personality that make me want to slap him with a fly swatter. I play these games for the gameplay, plus I like the set up with the story in this game.

The story of DMC is about Dante who can’t remember his past; he is rudely awakened after a night of heavy drinking and love making with a pair of strippers who happen to be demons. A young woman named Kat warns him that the hunter demon is after him to kill the last of Sparda’s bloodline, at the time Dante is not aware that Sparda is his father. He meets up with his brother Virgil who unveils his past to him, which he then finds out he is half demon and half angel which grant him wolverine like regenerating powers. 
The story is decent we get more of an understanding of Dante’s character; yes it is as basic as it gets but it’s something.

Gameplay is where a lot of people had issues with the game due to its apparent simplification, but honestly it does pose a meaty challenge not Devil May Cry 3 levels of challenge but it is still tough in parts and will test you. Like the other titles in the series the game grades your combat skills higher and higher depending on how varied your moves are, which are then graded at D, C, B, A and eventually SSS. Unlike the other games it is very easy to get a SSS ranking with the combat as I managed to get it just by mashing quick attack and dodging, it’s not to say the combat isn’t fun it’s just that ranking system is a bit broken.

Considering that this is an Xbox 360 and PS3 game originally, the game looks fantastic with great detail with the character models and environments. When you traverse the normal world it has a boring and grey hue, which was the standard during that generation, but when you get pulled into limbo everything becomes vibrant and colourful with demons trying to kill you. Character models look great considering this is a five year old game it still holds up, facial animations are on point coupled with the crippling amount of detail with Dante’s jacket.

The only issues I had with the game is that like with most Capcom games during the Xbox 360 and PS3 era it has a lot of screen tearing, so every time you swing the camera around the screen will tear in a horrendous manner. Besides that there is not anything that stands out being objectively bad.

DMC: Devil May Cry is a great game, yes they changed the look of Dante but look at this way it is a soft reboot and a different interruption from a different studio, honestly I like the story in this game as they flesh out Dante’s character more compared to other games. This game is available for a cheap price on the Xbox 360 and PS3, or if you want to play it at a higher resolution and frame rate you can grab it on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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