Thursday 12 April 2018

Editorial | My favourite video game characters

By Sam Coles:

We often form bonds and attachments with video game characters whether it be the one game or an entire series as we see them grow both physically and mentally. I wanted to go over some of my favourite characters that I love and explain why I have formed a bond with them. This list is in no particular order and remember it is my opinion if you disagree that is fine let me know your favourite characters in the comments or tweet at me.

John Marston – Red Dead Redemption

A somewhat obvious choice, but John Marston is someone who is trying to repent for his sins of being an outlaw by killing his former gang members something he is not enthused to do but it is the only way to get his family back where he can live in peace on his farm.

Unlike most Rockstar protagonists John won’t kill someone because they look at him funny, he generally tries to stay out of trouble, however when his confronted he gives his opponents all the chances to walk away before he guns them down. Marston is a gentleman helping those in need and tries to solve most situations diplomatically, his gun is generally his last option as he wants to get through things quick and clean.

Lightning – Final Fantasy XIII

Now I know this is probably a controversial choice as a lot of people don’t like this game or the character, but I would have to disagree with criticisms that people throw towards Lightning saying she is a bland character.  

Lightning is not a bland character, I find that she is a calm and collective person who is always in control of the situation she never panics not matter how bad the predicament is. She does lash out at people but it is very rare and when she does get angry you don’t want to be in the same room as her as she will obliterate you. Her persistence of wanting to protect her sister is wonderful and she will go to hell and back to save her, and will kill those who mean her harm.

Niko Bellic –Grand Theft Auto IV

I know I said earlier that Rockstar tend to make characters that are morally bankrupt, but that doesn’t mean they can’t make sympathetic characters. Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto IV was an interesting character, as we didn’t really have a character like this in the series, he is an Eastern European immigrant trying to pursue the “American Dream” to escape his past of being a mercenary.

Nike arrives in Liberty City hoping to make a fresh start with his cousin Roman, however he finds out his cousin’s letters were lies and he didn’t own a mansion or fast sports cars. Niko wanting to make it to the top gets dragged into the seedy criminal underworld, working for Russian, Italian and Irish gangsters. What I like about Niko is that he genuinely wanted to escape his violent past but his cousin drags him back down as he is in debt with Russian gangsters so he does what does best gunning down anyone that gets in his way.

Geralt of Riva – The Witcher
I fell in love with The Witcher series back in 2012 when I picked up the Xbox 360 version of The Witcher 2 when it launched, I was immediately hooked by the story and characters and I love the main protagonist Geralt of Riva.

Geralt in the games is a humble and calm character compared to the novels; he is always going out of his way to help others whether they are strangers or people that he loves. In the books he tended to act more like a rabid dog if someone looked at him in a strange way, such as in first chapter of The Last Wish he slices someone’s throat open for poking fun at him. In the games he is a kind and generous man, who wants to help people but is saddened because people shun him due to his mutations and profession.

Kazuma Kiyru – Yakuza

The Yakuza series is another set of games I have fallen in love with over the past year because Sega gave me the opportunity to review Yakuza 0 and Kiwami. After reviewing those games I grew an attachment to the protagonist Kazuma Kiyru, who I’ve loved watching his character arch from hardened gangster to a loving father figure for his adopted daughter.

What I like about Kiryu is at first he is presented as this thug with no feelings, but it’s not long until he stumbles across a young girl called Haruka where his human side emerges, he goes to any length to protect her and eventually takes her under his wing. It also helps that Kiyru is funny and he knows how to laugh when the situation calls for it.

Big Boss – Metal Gear Solid

I was going to put Solid Snake in this list, but after thinking about it I ultimately went with Big Boss because he is the legendary soldier that Snake’s genes are based on.

Big Boss is truly a sympathetic character because of all the things he has been through over the decades, back in the 60’s he was sent to hunt down and kill his mentor and mother figure the Boss which I got really emotional at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3. I found myself growing with him as he carried on and split off to form a military where no one is left behind and they get the respect they deserve. Big Boss has been through it all he lost his mentor, had his eye shot out, tortured with electricity and had his based destroyed by a fake UN inspection team yet he still carries on and fights.

That was my list of favourite characters; let me know who are your favourite characters in video games either in the comments or on Twitter.  

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