Thursday 16 August 2018

Halo 4 Review - A personal tale for the Master Chief.

By Sam Coles:

Since the Halo series was taken over by 343 Industries, people often say they have “ruined” Halo which honestly these people need to look up the word hyperbole as that is not the case with 343. However they have done some questionable design decisions when it comes to the gameplay, and Halo 4 is no exception but what we got with the campaign in terms of story is rather good as we get a more of a look into the personal relationship between Cortana and Chief.

Halo 4 takes place 5 years after the events of the third game, where Master Chief and Cortana are still drifting through space on the Dawn. Cortana is awakened by a mysterious scan of a ship, where it turns out that they are in orbit of a Forerunner planet as well as being boarded by a Covenant armada. Things go smoothly and they land on the planet, but all is not well as Cortana is acting strangely, it turns out that she was put into service 8 years ago where she reveals that A.Is start to malfunction after 7. Chief being attached to her for many years begins to panic, as she has been the only one that he has really cared about and wants to get her back to Dr Halsey to fix her. I love the story in this game because we start to see Chief breakdown as he has not really had proper human interaction, as he has always relied on Cortana to comfort him and to see him panic as she slowly fades away is heart breaking.

Gameplay is where Halo 4 starts to falter a bit as the changes they have made to A.I behaviour makes me want cough up blood, as Covenant and Promethean encounters are arduous and frustrating especially on higher difficulties. Let’s start with Covenant behaviour with how the Grunts and Jackals use Plasma Pistols and Neddlers. In prior Halo games, they were projectile based and they still are but the tracking of both weapons are insanely strong where you have to take cover like you are in a Call of Duty game as you can’t dodge them. Elites frames of animation have been changed too when they perform melee attacks, these again have been sped up where you can no longer dodge and they kill you in one hit on Legendary.

Let’s talk about the Prometheans, they are almost worse than the Flood because encounters as they play out in a random manner (not in a good way) and take far too long to kill as they can regenerate their shield and can be revived by Seekers. These are the majority of encounters and it becomes a slog, as you will run into another problem the lack of ammunition. The amount of times I ran out of ammo is ridiculous, now I’m not expecting a dragon’s horde load of ammo but this is Halo and not Resident Evil, I feel like I’m playing a survival horror with amount of ammo there is or should I say lack thereof.

It’s not all bad what I like are the updated UNSC weapon models as well as the updated sounds, which give the weapons more of a beefy grunt instead of sounding like a playing card attached to a bicycle wheel (I’m looking at you Halo 3 assault rifle). However you barely get the chance to use these weapons, which as I discussed earlier there is a lack of ammo and you’re stuck using the terrible Promethean weapons, which have as much impact as a wet sponge.

Visually the game looks fantastic; it’s hard to believe that this was released on the Xbox 360 as it looks like it could have been an early Xbox One game. The detail is staggering with the details on Chief’s armour where you see the wear and tear from battle. The environments are big and impressive, with beautiful Forerunner architecture to the cold and industrial corridors. The animation is stunning from the characters; this was all done via motion capture which makes scenes more convincing.

Halo 4 has a great story, but the gameplay can be frustrating and tedious especially on higher difficulties. I’m all for the introduction of new enemy types, but when you make them more frustrating to fight compared to The Flood then you have done something wrong. If you are going to play this game for the story I would highly recommend playing it on normal, as it is not worth the hassle on higher difficulties.

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