Saturday 30 January 2021

Editorial | The beauty of the Final Fantasy VII: Remake.


By Sam Coles:

People often forget how long fans have been asking for a Final Fantasy VII remake, it stems as far back to the PS3 era when Square Enix showed off that beautiful tech demo for the PS3 but said they had no intention of making it a game. Fast forward to E3 2015 they announced it on Sony’s stage, and after that complete silence until E3 2019 where it then finally released on PS4 in 2020. What we got is something special and beautiful, and truly is one of my favourite games of the PS4 era. I just want to go over the beauty of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, and what makes it special.

Let’s start off the story and don’t worry there are no spoilers, but to be honest if you are playing this game more than likely you have played the original but I digress. It starts off as normal like in the original where we see Cloud looking broody on top of a train, before jumping off and proceeding to a reactor core to blow it up.

However things take a diversion as he starts to see these weird ghostly figures, this is where you find out that this is not the same story. However it does stick to similar story beats of the original, what I like is that Final Fantasy VII Remake fleshes Cloud and Tifa’s past and relationship out more, Tifa in general has more of a personality in this game and you can’t help but love her.

Not only that they flesh out Jessie too in this game which if you are familiar with the original game, she dies at the start of the game but they keep her alive as another love interest for Cloud. It’s different as she can come across as irritating at times, but she grew on me as I progressed through the story as I got to know her more.

Now onto the gameplay which is very good, I remember when they announced that the game was going to take more of an action focus; a lot of old school fans had a bit of trepidation to say the least. However when the game came out there is more depth than you think, the combat is weighty and you feel every swing, every punch and every shot. You have to think on your toes and prioritise certain targets, because otherwise you will die. This game is rather challenging in certain segments especially with boss fights, I’m looking at you Hell House in the arena slums which took me a while to get through.

It is challenging yes, but it is extremely rewarding coupled with the intense music and sound design. The combat fuels you with excitement with the classic battle music fully orchestrated, which is another beautiful aspect of this game the music. The music has been beautifully recreated with a full orchestra, with epic battle music to the more sombre and emotional moments with beautiful piano pieces. The new version of Tifa’s theme is beautiful, and as pathetic as this sounds got me a bit emotional.

The presentation is absolutely gorgeous! Square Enix have done an excellent job with bringing Midgar into the modern era, the character models look absolutely stunning they look as they were intended, instead of looking like monstrosities where a Lego man procreated with various Playmobil figures. The world of Midgar feels more alive, with the seedy slums filled with criminals and low lives to Aerith’s calm and relaxing garden. It feels modern yet familiar, like you are putting on a nice, old and comfortable sweater as you escape the reality.

Overall I love the beauty of the Final Fantasy VII: Remake, it’s a great retelling of the classic story while adding in new aspects, the graphics are beautiful and the combat is engaging and challenging. This is a great version of the game and I can’t wait to play more of it.


  1. A really nice and easy read! I've always been interested in the final fantasy games but always been too much of a broke bitch to buy them! that and we have an xbox, I don't feel or know if the games will be at their full potential and would rather a PS4! BUT I'm very new to the gaming world due to lockdown so this has been a great read, thank you!

    1. The Final Fantasy games are rather long but they are very engaging. I believe this remake is coming to Xbox this year as it is a timed exclusive!

  2. I haven't played Final Fantasy, or any other video games during these days but I played Resident Evil WAAAAAYY back 😂 This is a very interesting review and an easy to read post. I can see you really love games and I'm glad you're making reviews like this! Very helpful for other gamers out there. Thanks for sharing! 😊 xx

    1. Ah I love Resident Evil, they are still making them. A new Resident Evil is coming out this May! 😊

  3. I have to admit I never played with Final Fantasy - but reading this and seeing your pictures has made me quite interested in it! Now I am off to look at PlayStations and such LOL

    1. Hours of fun, with beautiful worlds and stories! :)

  4. Hi Sam. Great write-up, thanks. I'm old enough to have played the original - and I loved it at the time. I'm curious, just how different is the story in the remake? I seem to remember it taking me quite a while to complete the original and I don't really just want to repeat it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that I would enjoy it - but my gaming time is limited and I'd prefer to play a new game rather than to re-play an old one.

    1. Most of the elements of the Midgar sections are there, but it does start to deviate towards the end.

    2. Available now for free on PS+ ...
