Thursday 5 October 2023

Resident Evil: Separate Ways - Ada Wong is back!

(Code provided by Capcom)

By Sam Coles:

Just when you think the Resident Evil 4 remake couldn’t get any better, they drop an expansion for the game Separate Ways. This was originally introduced in the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4, to compensate for the compromised visuals of that port as it didn’t look great compared to the GameCube version. This time it is a paid expansion which I know it ruffled a few feathers, however it was completely remade with new scenes, encounters and new weapons so it is worth the £7.99 price tag.

Separate Ways takes place alongside the main Resident Evil 4 campaign, where you take control of femme fatale spy Ada Wong. Who has been contracted to track down a lab sample of the parasitic infection called Las Plagas, which has infected a small village in rural Spain by the local cult. She has to use her sly wit and good looks to get what she wants, while helping her past love Leon anyway she can, as she still feels something for him. The plot is nothing complex, but I love seeing different angles of the main plot from the perspective of Ada and Lily Gao does a good job voicing her most of the time.

What I like about the remake of Separate Ways is that it is not beat for beat of the original, for one you start off in the castle while teaming up with iconic ladies’ man, Luis Sera. It makes for a nice change, especially for veterans of the game such as myself and surprises at every corner. Another aspect that the changed from the original, is that Ada gets infected at the start, which triggers hallucinations but not only that you are tracked by one of Salazar’s guards throughout the game. These segments are great and rather challenging, as he has a good reach with his attacks, plus he creates fake copies of himself.

They also include sections from the original base Resident Evil 4 campaign, such as bits from the castle section and of course the infamous laser hallway scene. Yeah you could argue why they weren’t included in the base game, but I would say they make more sense with the character of Ada.

What else can I say about the gameplay? Well if you liked the Resident Evil 4 remake already, then you will like this as it more of its great combat. However, Ada is faster and more nimble compared to Leon plus there is an emphasis on verticality thanks to her grapple hook gun, which she uses in every scene almost. Combat just feels tight when you play as Ada, plus she makes good work of shield enemies as she can rip them away with her grapple hook gun when you unlock a charm for her attaché case.  

I feel that Separate Ways is an excellent addition to the Resident Evil 4 remake; yes you could argue that it should have been bundled with the game in the first place. However, they had to remake the campaign from top to bottom. It is a great 4 hour romp, with plenty of replay value, it is worth asking price and it is more Resident Evil 4!

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