By Sam Coles:
The original Halo trilogy has its own space in the
video game hall of history as it set the bar of how a first person shooter
should be made for a console like Goldeneye did back in1998. It also set the
standard for online multiplayer on consoles as well which Sony didn’t really
grasp until the PS3.
Combat Evolved (2001):
Halo was originally announced as a Macintosh
exclusive during the late 90’s at an Apple event, but it wasn’t the game that
it is now. The game was being developed by Bungie who were known for making
Marathon which was the Mac’s answer to Doom which was dominating the Windows
platform at the time.
Halo was actually conceptualised as a real time strategy
game like their game Myth, but something happened Microsoft bought Bungie to
secure for their launch title for the Xbox. Bungie started see what would it be
like to take control of a soldier in the first person so they decided to make
it an FPS, they wouldn’t revisit the RTS genre until Halo Wars.
Halo was launched with the Xbox in late 2001 and no
one expect this game to be hit but it was a smash with its great singleplayer
campaign and classic local multiplayer and yes local this was before Xbox Live.
Halo is a science fiction FPS where take control of
a super soldier known as a Spartan called Master Chief. Chief has been in
cryogenic sleep for a while, then he is awaken as they are boarded by the alien
enemy called the Covenant. The Covenant have been at war with the human military
called UNSC as they are fleeing from one of their colonies called Reach which
has been destroyed. They then crash land on a mysterious ring called Halo which
seems like a strange planet, but they find out that it is one of many rings
which act as super weapons to wipe life on a galactic scale.
The campaign was interesting with different
characters with big and varied environments which you’ll shoot you way through,
it does take things from other science fiction sources such as Aliens and
Stargate etc.
The gameplay was incredible it blew what Goldeneye
did for consoles out of the water and the main reason was the fact the Xbox had
a second analogue stick so you could turn and strafe with ease. It kept
traditional FPS tropes like health kits which people seem to forget and said
Halo CE had regenerating health, but it was the shield that regenerated and not
your health. It also included vehicles to help you traverse the more wide open
spaces and they controlled well for the time, but they do feel slippery now.

Halo had a great multiplayer and I have so many
memories of getting loads of friends together and playing 16 player multiplayer
in one room, yes Halo had a great LAN community it was an expensive thing to do
at the time but worth it. It had big scale battles for the time with complete
chaos with game modes such as Capture the Flag or the classic Slayer with
twists such as shotguns only, pistols only which is the most powerful weapon in
the game and Rockets. Let’s just say that the multiplayer is still fun to boot
up now when you have a group of friends to play with.
It would be another 3 years until we see a sequel
for this game, but it did change the front for multiplayer and how games are
played with friends today.
2 (2004):
Halo 2 up the ante in every aspect such as graphics,
sound, music and multiplayer it was a huge game for the time and the first in
the series to have online multiplayer and was still played online until they
closed the servers in 2010.
Halo 2 takes place after the events of the original Halo
and this time the game begins a cutscene from the Covenant point of view as you
follow an Elite soldier who is in court due to the destruction of the Halo
ring. He is then branded a traitor then later on becomes the Arbiter which is a
sort of prophet that goes on suicide missions to takedown heretics. Yes for the
first time in the series you played as two protagonists so you see the war from
both sides which gives you a perspective and how the Covenant start to fight
each other and split off. It was an interesting campaign despite its cliff
hanger ending which would continue until 2007.
The graphics were the best graphics on the market
for the time aspects that were improved was the details on Master Chief because
you can see the engraving and blemishes on his armour and it made him look as
if he was a battle scared hero. The vehicles and environments were given a much
needed boost in details from ancient ruins to the Covenant homeworld.
Multiplayer was a big due to the new Xbox Live
service at the time and defines how we play games online today on consoles; it
was the most played game on the service for years to come until Halo 3 came
out. It had the same game modes from the first one, but it had events some
weeks and weekends with altered versions of current game modes something that
would become standard in later Halo games.
Halo 2 was one of the best games of 2004 and Bungie
were tooling up for a new generation of consoles and we wouldn’t see anything
about until 2006.
Halo 3 came out on Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and like
Halo 2 added more content for fans to get stuck into.
Halo 3’s campaign starts from where Halo 2’s
campaign ended with Master Chief plummeting to the Earth. It doesn’t look good for
Chief as long-time friend Sargent Johnson examines his stiff and battered body
from his fall and is ready to give up. Chief fortunately wakes up and everyone
rejoices, but what Chief is not made aware of is that the Arbiter is working
with them and gets into an altercation with him. Your objective is to takedown
the prophet of truth and destroy the Covenant to end the war. This game was
meant to be the conclusion for the series, but it cleary isn’t as the series is
still going with 343 making the games now while Bungie work on Destiny.
Halo 3’s graphics were beautiful for the time as it
was Master Chief’s jump to HD the first level in particular with its lush and
vibrant jungle environment were stunning and honestly I would say that the environments
still hold up. I can’t say that for the character models as they look very polygonal,
but they served their purpose for the time.
Multiplayer was the main reason why many players
logged so many hours for years on Xbox Live, with a higher player count and
more game modes and events for players to take part. There were new and bigger
maps for more chaotic battles my favourite being the map Valhalla with two
bases with jump pads to throw you straight into the middle.
Halo 3 was the best game in the series in terms of
its gameplay it’s the tightest of the series although they did tone down some
of the weapon damage on some of the game’s most iconic weapons one of them
being the Magnum which had no scope and the fire rate was slowed down by a lot.
Overall the gameplay was fun and tight.
Halo 3 was a great conclusion to a trilogy well
until Halo 4 came out, but that wasn’t handled by Bungie.
So where is Halo now? Well Bungie worked on a
prequel called Reach which told the story of the events before Halo Combat
Evolved which was fantastc. 343 Industries took the reins and started a second
trilogy with the latest one being Halo 5 which was good but nothing compared to
the original three games. Whatever you think of Halo you know it had an impact
with how games are played today.